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Season Change with SKIN Functional


October 2024, South Africa –  The arrival of a new season is a signal to rework your vanity to reflect the changing weather outside. With the onset of crisp Spring days, it’s only natural to shift to lightweight jackets and sweaters, and the same is true for your skin care routine. Those rich, heavy creams and face oils that satiated your dry skin in July aren’t as useful come October. In short, it’s time to transition your skin care routine for the new season.

Kevin Khosa, Customer Service Manager at SKIN functional explains: “Switching up your skincare routine every quarter can benefit the overall health of your skin as well as your particular concerns. During the Winter, there’s more exposure to cold air, which can be harsh and result in dehydrated skin, so it’s only natural to use thick emollients to lock in moisture. Although during the Spring, moist air allows the skin to retain water much easier, it can also increase oil production, leading to congestion and clogged pores. In addition, warm weather activities present more opportunities for sun damage.”

Switch 1:

If you have oily, combination skin consider putting aside your emollient creams and thicker moisturisers and choose a gel-based and hydrating moisturiser instead. This switch might seem obvious but it’s just one of many tweaks that are necessary as the season begins. If you have dry, sensitive skin, this is a step that you can skip.

Switch 2:

Regardless of the time of year, exfoliation is an important step that you should regularly implement into your routine. However, the shift in temperature can dictate which method you choose and how often you do it. With drier skin during the winter, you might be tempted to slough off the layers that have built up, but dermatologists agree that spring is actually the ideal time to ramp up exfoliation.

Switch 3:

Give the oil serums a break and switch to water-based hydrating serums. It’s important to note the increase in the air’s moisture levels doesn’t mean skin needs any less hydration. Instead of using a face oil to secure water and ensure plump skin, swap in a hydrating serum instead. “Serums can be the perfect addition to your routine without making you feel like you will turn into a ball of grease as you walk outside,” said Khosa.

Switch 4:

Without a doubt, all dermatologists agree that sunscreen is an all-year-long kind of product. And it goes without saying that as you begin to venture outside more often it’s important to use the right products. An SPF of 30 or more is the minimum you will need for adequate protection. Consider opting for an on-the-go sunscreen that can be easily applied throughout the day such as the new sunscreen stick from SKIN functional. It’s small, lightweight, easy to apply and provides the ultimate sun protection.

Switch 5:

The sun is out and with that you can expect to spend more time outdoors which increases your chances of sun damage. While wearing your sunscreen all year round is a necessity and not something you should switch out for spring, something you need to add to your routine is an after sun product that helps restore your skin’s barrier. A great product to try is SKIN functional’s newly launched UV Derm Post UV Exposure Repair.

“Skincare is not a one-size-fits all kind of journey and when changing up your skincare routine, it’s important to first start with defining your skin type as it is currently and then your main concerns. This will help guide you on how to switch up your routine. Once you have done this, consider products that align to the above categories that will assist your skin coping through this seasonal change,” concluded Khosa.

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